Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bad at shopping?

is there any way to improve shopping skills? haha

i know that sounds weird

im 13. vintage-y. very scene

horrible shopper

i always stress out and end up not happy with what i buying in the end

the places i shop at:

wet seal








agaci too


and anchor blue

theres just so many things id like to buy

so many sales [especially at wet seal]

but some how i end up ditching half the things i want

i used to be very punk-ish scene. edgier

and i seem stuck on that

i find this cool shirt. buy it

and hate it later =[

i know online shopping would solve my dilema since it subtracts

the other frantic buyers

the empolyees

and the possiblity of hating what i buy since i can cancel the order

but theres shipping and handling =/

so is there any way i can be better at shopping?

thanks in advance! =D

Bad at shopping?
Well, perhaps your feeling rushed. Try setting aside a whole day for shopping so you don't feel so constricted for time.

Also, try to shop alone, that's how I do it best! There's no one else there to say 'hurry up' or 'you take forever'.

Just call your mom when your done to pick you up

Hope I helped :)
Reply:haha, no problem, I love to help :)

I'm short too, but when people ask me if I'm lost I just reply with "No, are you?"

Anyways, add me to your contacts if you like. Happy shopping! Report It

Reply:Well, if you're asking about how to slim down on how much you buy, I can suggest some things since I'm the kind of person who only ever buys something 1/10 of the time I shop.

#1 make sure you buy quality items, especially in terms of material - that way they'll last longer and ensure that you're probably getting something that's more worth your money.

#2 ask yourself if you already have something awfully similar in your closet - I think sometimes people might have too much of the same thing, like I'll want to buy a skirt, but my friend'll tell me it looks like it's the same style as a lot of other skirts I have, so maybe trying for another kind might make a more varied closet

#3 decide whether you REALLY REALLY like it - oftentimes I'll pass something by, and it's just nice looking. I try it on, I sort of like it, but I'm not sure if I should get it. I think that doubt sometimes means you shouldn't get it because you're not 100% confident that that clothing is meant for you and that you totally like it.

#4 try not to spend too much - sometimes things can be quite pricey, and it might just be more worthwhile to wait 'til it goes on sale or something. I'm sure there's a way you can track it or check up on it to see when it'll be less pricey.

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