Thursday, November 19, 2009

Men's clothes shopping etiquette?

What are your thoughts on men's clothes shopping etiquette?

My understanding of the Rules of Procedure for Guys, Chapter 23, Shopping, is as follows:

Men should only shop for clothes alone, or with their girlfriend/wife. However, men may only shop with their girlfriend/wife if and only if they have already exhausted reasonable measures, including guile and trickery, to get the girlfriend/wife to go and do the shopping for them.

Men should never shop with another male, unless it is an emergency situation (such as having stayed over a friends house drunk and being without a change of clothes and one's current clothes are unwearable). Preferably, the other male should only drive the car to the store and wait outside, but if he decides to enter the store for convenience the time should be limited to a maximum of 10 minutes, there should be no requests for an opinion on a purchase, and any request for opinion should be met with, "who the F cares? Pick something and let's go."

Men's clothes shopping etiquette?
Boy I didn't realise it was so complicated. I often shop on my own but I have a fairly good idea in my mind what I want and expect to pay.

When my wife comes with me she often suggests but I like to make the final choice. (or at least she lets me think I do)
Reply:Sound like a winner here. All in favor say "Pizza for a good hardy breakfast"
Reply:Actually, I thought that men hated when their wives/girlfriends picked out their clothes. They always pick the stuff they saw on Oprah or Queer Eye. LOL

Everything else seems fine though.
Reply:This is a case for when Rules need to be broken.

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