Thursday, November 19, 2009

Grocery shopping dilemma?

i only have myseld to shop for. i find that muc more difficult than shopping for a big family because i can't buy in bulk (since i don't have any children to feed, the food will go rotten). so i buy like lots of frozen food dinners and canned meals that won't go rotten. but i still see myself spending more than i should even though i only shop for discounts! i eat like maybe twice a day, one can and one frozen dinner and maybe milk for breakfast. so why do i find myself spending so much??? what should i do to shop more efficiently and make food last longer?

Grocery shopping dilemma?
The best thing you can do is buy in bulk. Meats in family packages can be split up into individual portions. Potatoes can be bought single two or three at a time. Onions can be chopped up and frozen. Can goods never go bad and can be kept for quite a while. Pastas can be Ziploc bags kept for a while as well as rice. Bacon or sausage can be broken up into individual servings and frozen, one bag of salad with cukes, and tomatoes can serve one person for a week before getting brown. Cheese freezes well after being grated. Bread and cake can be frozen it will not freeze completely and can be defrosted in the microwave. This is so much better than the frozen dinners with all the preservatives.
Reply:I shop for 2, which isn't much easier:) I buy packages of steak or chicken breasts; and freeze what I'm not using in freezer bags. I also freeze containers of chili or soup, when I make a bunch of it.... I buy frozen vegetables in bags, instead of boxes, because I can put the other half of the bag into a baggie and freeze it....
Reply:Grocery prices have gone up 20% or more in some areas of the USA in the past year!

tooth ache

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